The Importance of Fats In Your Diet!
By Aces Labs

So we know the importance of proteins obviously for muscle recovery and muscle building. We know the importance of carbohydrates for energy and the insulin spike we need post workout. What about the importance of fats? When we are speaking of fats we are speaking about good quality fats and EFA’s such as Omega 3.
When looking to build size, fats add high amounts of calories as a gram of fat is 9 calories whereas a gram of carbs or protein is only 4 calories each. This helps us boost our calories when looking to pick up size. Dietary fat can also serve as a slower releasing energy source to fuel those longer exercises and cardio sessions. Fat also aids your body in absorbing certain vitamins and unsaturated fats can be good for heart health. Unsaturated fats are a better option then saturated fats for cholesterol purposes. Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT’s) are very quickly available to be used as energy and a source of fuel for training. Furthermore, fats can aid in preventing muscle and protein breakdown.
Fats can also be extremely important for the joints and for the skin. Training heavy weights excessively can dry out the joints and Omega 3 can help lubricate the joints. A good balanced diet includes a balance of good quality essential fatty acids and can boost our calories nicely to get up to where we need to be.